Plant protection and nutrient supply studies of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)


  • V. J. Vojnich University of Szeged, Румунія
  • Á. Ferencz University of Szeged, Румунія
  • A. Szarvas University of Szeged, Румунія
  • T. Monostori University of Szeged, Румунія
  • E. Kesztyűs University of Szeged, Румунія


Ключові слова:

weed control, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), nutrient supply, open field experiment, yield


Purpose. The aim of our experiment was to determine the changes of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) nutrient content and biomass in the two years under study as a result of nutrient supply, plant protection and irrigation. Fenugreek is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legumes (Fabaceae) family. It is a multifunctional crop for use in domestic and farm animal feeds, wild fodder, herbs and spices.

Methods. The experiment was carried out in open field on 100 m2 plots in Kecskemét. Novatec premium fertilizer (15 N – 3 P2O5 – 20 K2O – 2 MgO) was used in the research. The herbicide Pantera 40 EC (active ingredient content: 40 g/l quizalofop-P-tefuryl) was used for weed control.

Results. In both years, after the crop emerged fenugreek seeds within a week. In 2018, the average height of plants was 30 cm for the start of harvest. On a plot of 100 m2, the dry weight of mowed fenugreek is 13.15 kg dry weight (300 kg/ha Mg treatment). According to our observations, the height of the fenugreek stock reached 50 cm in 2019. The dry weight after harvest is 28.2 kg dry weight (300 kg/ha Mg treatment). The results of the second experimental year are higher than the first year.

Conclusions. The magnesium fertilizer resulted in an increase in the green weight of the fenugreek.


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Як цитувати

Vojnich, V. J., Ferencz, Á., Szarvas, A., Monostori, T., & Kesztyűs, E. (2020). Plant protection and nutrient supply studies of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.). Наукові праці Інституту біоенергетичних культур і цукрових буряків, (28), 194–200.

